You have asked and Holly has answered!!
With the Fit Yummy Mummy Workout DVD Packages only available until tomorrow, myself and of course Holly have received SO many wonderful questions and feedback about them!!
To help answer the most common of these questions and give you the best advice possible I have posted for you exactly what you need to know below from Holly herself!
You can find the DVD packages if you Click Here ->Fit Yummy Mummy Workout DVDs or read further for more information on them!
(The information below comes directly from and has been permitted to be reposted here by Holly Rigsby)
Are These Workouts New?
Yes, new as in the Get Your Body Back DVDs are different than the workouts you will find in the Fit Yummy Mummy 16 Week Fat Loss System – The 15 minute Fit Yummy Mummy workouts on each of the DVDs are workouts that have been previously only available to ClubFYM members as a downloadable workout of the month and to Fit Club Members as their monthly DVD. This is why after each DVD title and description you will see in parentheses (This was Fit Club’s August DVD)
What’s the difference between your Fit Yummy Mummy program and the DVDs?
The Fit yummy Mummy Fat Loss system is a downloadable ebook. This is a complete lifestyle system…meaning I cover motivation, nutrition and exercise. I keep it simple - sticking to whole natural foods, providing a create a meal menu planner and step by step guidelines for making positive changes eating and lifestyle habits, mapping out 15 minute workouts with workout logs that have links for the full color and exact description of how to do each exercise. There are 16 weeks plus 12 weeks of advanced bonus workouts.–basically breaking it down so getting started is not overwhelming.
Do you need BOTH the DVD Package and the Fit Yummy Mummy ebook?
This is a personal decision. Just depends on you – where you are in your fat loss efforts and what your goals entail.
For example, if you have already set your goals, adjusted your mindset, established a support system and are making an honest effort to make healthy changes to your nutrition plan – and really the only thing missing in the formula for success is an effective workout plan? Then No, there is no reason to get the Fit Yummy Mummy ebook. The DVD Package will be all you need to kick start your results.
Now on the other end of the spectrum, if you are JUST getting started and have no clear direction or step by step path to follow, then I highly suggest you consider investing in the full Fit Yummy Mummy ebook.
~ Where to?
World Wide – I have been shipping Fit Yummy Mummy DVDs around the world (give ex) since November of 2008
~ How Much?
There is one flat rate of $9.95 for both DVD Packages no matter where they will be shipped.
~ How?
DVD Package are shipped out of Illinois using USPS 1st class shipping. Estimated times range 7 to 10 business days or sooner. If you live outside of the United States it may take 2 to 3 weeks.
~ When?
All DVD orders are being processed this week and will be ready to be shipped on October 12th. Depending on where you live and considering the information listed above is when you can expect to receive your DVDs, you can estimate from there - - please note, there is no reason to wait for you have the downloadable workout log for each and every DVD in your Package. So you can get started as soon as you purchase your package!
Package Options
The DVD event is offering 2 package options for you! Basic and Deluxe. Each DVD has workouts – Workout A and Workout B to rotate between for 4 weeks, complete with downloadable workout logs that explain How To Use your workouts, how to track your progress and even suggest ways to increase the challenge of your workouts so you never hit a plateau.
Only exception to the A/B Workout Format is the Fit Fast Body Weight Circuit DVD which has 3 workouts to rotate between for 4 weeks.
Many DVDs have added bonuses – like MP3 sound tracks, bonus workout examples, warm ups/cool downs, Tabatas and more! To see all the bonuses the DVDs contain be sure to see
The Basic DVD Package contains 3 DVDs (with workouts logs and 6 super cool bonuses)
Core Power Moves
Lower Body Power Moves -
Fit Fast Body Weight Circuits
The Deluxe Package contains 9 DVDs (with workouts logs and 6 super cool bonuses)
Core Power Moves
Lower Body Power Moves
Fit Fast Body Weight Circuits
3:2:1 Abs
Upper Body Power Moves
Five Factor Circuits
Tri-Sets and Tabatas
Bikini Fat Burn
Fit Yummy Kettlebell Mummy
What can I expect with these workouts?
I hope you had a chance to experience one of my 15 minute workout sessions when I offered the Bonus Fit Yummy Mummy Videos last week. If not, posting one sample below. The Fit Yummy Mummy workouts are traditionally performed in Super Set Style. I design workouts that contain 6 exercises and I pair them up into super sets.
Super sets are performed like this: a1, a2, a1, a2, a1, a2 rest… b1, b2, b1, b2, b1, b2 rest….c1, c2, c1, c2, c1, c2 Finished! This takes a mere 10 to 15 minutes, the moves I have chosen for you target all the major muscles in your body for a challenging full body, fat burning, metabolism boosting workout in just 15 minutes!
If you missed it - here’s a sample workout again…Give it a try and see what I mean!
(This was the spring break video I had posted last week)
Yes, these are workouts you can do right at home and in just 10 -15 minutes!
You will need a couple dumbbells, a mat (or a soft place to do floor exercises), a stability ball, a medicine ball (no worries if you do not have one, you can use a DB as a sub) and something to step up on…whether it be a chair, a stairway or a workout bench if you have one handy - I do not - I just use the bench on my patio and it works great!
This is the type of workout equipment many of us already have – it’s just that we did not learn how to effectively use it, so instead these items have been stored away and are collecting dust – Not once you get your DVDs! If you are like me, they will be sitting out in the corner ready to be used at any time of your busy day!
What about Cardio?
I teach a more effective form of cardio called Intervals!
Results are a matter of intensity and your cardio workout is no different
Yes some DVD - along with their corresponding workout logs - have Intervals as an extra bonus – but if you would like more information on Intervals, please take a moment to see “All About Intervals – and here is an Intervals Video Sampler”
What about a Nutrition Plan?
You will find many references on how to eat for fat loss in the various bonuses you are receiving in your DVD Package. I am working on a way to provide an UNANNOUNCED Nutrition Plan Bonus for everyone who takes action and grabs their DVD Package by Friday at Noon EST – since I am traveling, I will do my best to put something together for you – so be on the lookout with your FYM Newsletters!!!
Can I just buy single DVDs?
Single purchase DVDs are not available at this time – and sure at some point they will be, but I am unable to predict when or how soon – just have so many other projects on my list of to do’s – especially with the holidays coming up.
So, If a package option loaded with limited time bonuses is not for you and you really just want one DVD at a time, then you may want to consider joining ClubFYM as a Fit Club Member. Membership options are explained in full detail HERE>>> Fit Club Membership
“Come on …you must be able to offer a discount!”
Absolutely – and if you look closely…..These DVD Packages ARE discounted!
Keep in mind, that these are DVDs that Fit Club Members have been investing in for $39.95 a month! So with the Basic Package you are saving over $20 …and with the Deluxe you are saving over $160!
This discount does not even include all the bonuses worth WELL over $150…and you get these for FREE.
If Price is an Issue….
No worries, I have you covered on that as well….under each package option you will see the “2 Pay”
You absolutely may break the cost of your DVD up into 2 payments!
1. Basic 2 Pay says…”Click here to pay in only 2 easy installments of only $57, spread 30 days apart.”
2. Deluxe 2 Pay says…. “Click here to pay in only 2 easy installments of only $107, spread 30 days apart.”
Still scoffing at the cost?
When was the last time you totaled up the number of DVDs , workout books, magazine, workout gadgets, diet plans and even diet pills? Sure adds up doesn’t it! Yet, somehow you found the money to be able to afford these items, items that only left you frustrated with a lack of energy, confidence or results.
AND….. I will just point out one final time that if you were to hire a personal trainer to design 6 to even 18 fat burning workouts for you – you are looking at investing anywhere from not to mention the additional cost of the gym membership where you must go to meet your trainer.
BTW: Even when I ran a special on my one on one training sessions back in the day – 6 sessions was $180 and 9 was no less than $270.
I am offering myself to you – to be your personal coach, to guide, motivate and hold you accountable from the comfort of your own living room …for less than 2-3 visits with a trainer.
So jump on over – grab your DVD Package – and be on the lookout for even more bonuses and specials once you take action to burn the baby fat and get your body back!

Hope this has been helpful to you!
Reminder, the Fit Yummy Mummy Workout DVDs are only available until 3pm tomorrow, Friday Oct. 9th!
Head on over and make sure you do not miss out!
Click here-> Fit Yummy Mummy Workout DVDs
Always Here to Help,