Our Fat Loss goals are not achievable or even attainable without certain key factors in place:
~ A specific goal
~ A positive mindset
~ A well thought out plan
~ A proper workout routine and strategy
And these are just to name a few!
I believe one of THE biggest factors to our fat loss success is the ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT from others.
I am not just talking about your significant other, or your mom, or your best friend.
Yes, the support and encouragement from those close to us is essential and makes our efforts all the more worth it....BUT...support from like minded individuals who are after the SAME goals as yourself is crucial!!
This is not just anyone willing to workout with you once a week to just go through the motions and call it a day just to think you've had a "great killer" workout.
This is an individual or even a group of people that will push you that much harder, encourage you that much more and not give up on you no matter what!
If your workout "buddy" or exercise partner consistently bails on you, complains and nags during their workout that it's too hard or they're too tired, or even decides one round of weights is enough for that day, then I suggest you find yourself a new support system!!
As the saying goes, "You are only as strong as your weakest link."
I am extremely fortunate to have two WONDERFUL support systems in place in order for me to reach my potential and achieve my goals!
The first is a group of amazing women who I know I can turn to whenever I need them for support, accountability, troubleshooting and guidance! This wonderful group of women are my online family at Club FYM!

The women on Club FYM! are like no other and we TRULY have created a very unique, warm, kind, and super special community that no one feels afraid to turn to for help!
No one is judged, no one is ridiculed, and no one is intimidated to say what is on their mind.
Thank you ladies for your being there for me!!
My other support system is much closer to home and meets with me if not three times a week then for sure twice and that is only because we are MOMS and yes our families do need us and their needs must also be met!
Jessica and Tennile have been amazing women to work out with and I have never sweat so much in my Fit Yummy Mummy journey than with them! We continue to set personal bests and burpees are becoming more and more a part of our routine now!
This past weekend I hosted a Fit Yummy Mummy Pow Wow (as Sherry coined it!) to bring all those available who have Fit Yummy Mummy together.
We've had get togethers in the past to discuss strategies, troubleshoot nutrition and/or workouts, and just share our Fit Yummy Mummy experiences.
This time I wanted it to be different and with the beautiful weather upon us, we incorporated a complete workout first, outside on my lawn!
Was that ever a challenge in itself...the grass and sun played a factor in our efforts for sure!
I had a picture of each exercise enlarged and pasted on poster board in front of us so that everyone could stay on track. We also reviewed form and technique prior to beginning so that everyone was on the same page in terms of what they were doing.
As an added incentive, I posted vision boards for motivation and to keep our goals insight!
We performed each Fit Yummy Mummy exercise for 30sec and repeated each super set 3 times. This way everyone could stay together but yet work at their own pace and not feel like they had to sacrifice technique just to keep up.
For the intervals we performed 4 body weight exercises for 30 seconds each with a 30 second march in between. We completed this circuit 3 times. We did Jumping Jacks, Squat Thrusts, Walking Lunges, and all out Running.

There were 10 of us together for the Pow Wow including my mom!! A couple of the girls even drove an hour to join us....now that is determination and dedication!!
We finished our workout feeling exhausted yet exhilarated!
The motivation that one receives from working along side others in the same position as yourself and following the same goals as yourself is HUGE!
Thank you ladies for an awesome day and stay tuned for more to come!!
In the mean time, check out Fit Yummy Mummy for yourself and find the support you need to achieve your fat loss goals!
Feel free to leave me a comment below and let me know how you are gaining from support in your journey!
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