What a successful Bootcamp and Shopping Trip it was!
We started off our day meeting at Holly's house and then heading out to meet up at the park.
Resistance training consisted of three super sets of two exercises each performed for one minute each three times through before switching to the next super set!!!
Everyone was feeling it and hurting before we were even done! To finish off the Bootcamp we performed Tabatas. Completing four exercises two times each for 20sec on and 10 sec off for a total of eight rounds. INTENSE!!
The Bootcamp was invigorating and even though she put us through our paces AND it hurt....WE LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!
After Bootcamp we all headed back to Holly's to get ready for the rest of our fun filled day!

We had reservations for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory....how divine!
It was So good, not a complaint from the whole group...well how could you go wrong with cheesecake, especially White Chocolate Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake...my recommendation!!!

Then the shopping began!
As I soon found out, no Fit Yummy Mummy shopping trip is complete without a trip to Sephora! I had never been to a Sephora and was I ever in for a surprise! Cosmetic heaven Oh My!!
After spending what felt like almost half of our afternoon in Sephora we did manage to venture out to the rest of the mall and snag up some more purchases. I think we were more interested in getting to know one another better than we were shopping!
To complete our shopping trip we ended our day at BD's Mongolian Grill for dinner. A great stir fry dinner was enjoyed by all!
For those that were able to stay longer, karaoke was in order back at Holly's house! We ended one of the most amazing fun filled days ever by singing karaoke into the night!
An unforgettable Fit Yummy Mummy weekend was had by all!! We cannot wait to hear what is in store for the next one!
However, before we can celebrate with another shopping trip we will be working hard at our Summer Slim Down Transformation Challenge for the next 12 weeks.
Join us on CLUB FYM today to see what you're missing out on!!

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