"No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely,
positively do have the power to change."

Monday, September 28, 2009

What Have I Been Up To? Find Out With These Workout Videos!!


I have had a lot of questions lately about just what in the world I am doing as part of my fitness and exercise program.

Where are all my results coming from?

YUP!  People are noticing the changes and I have never felt better!

So,  of course I want to share with YOU exactly what I have been up to!!

I want you to feel as great  as I do and better yet reap the benefits of this lifestyle just as I have!!

What better way than to give you access to a sample of  just what these workouts look like!

Now who else would be better at demonstrating them  for you than the creator of them herself, Holly Rigsby!!

Holly Rigsby, if you haven’t already heard me RAVE about her (hope your ears are ringing Holly!) is the author of Fit Yummy Mummy, my coach and one amazing friend!

Holly has designed a 16 week program but really this is a lifestyle all geared toward  busy women and in particular us Busy Moms!

Get this, it takes no more than 90 minutes a week! Yup, you read that right! 

I’ll let Holly explain it to you HERE and I want you to see just how fast, effective, and efficient a Fit Yummy Mummy workout really is!

Our local group of Fit Yummy Mummy’s do not just get together to sit around and chat, we’re putting our all in these short burst yet super intense workouts!

Let me know what you think!

Check It Out Here–> Fit Yummy Mummy Workout Videos

I really want to hear what you have to think!

If you think this is peanuts then you really haven’t given it a try yet! 

Let me or Holly put you through a workout and you’ll be amazed!

Access the Fit Yummy Mummy Workouts HERE!