Well what's been a whirl wind of a month is now finally slowly calming down and things are coming around here at home, the boys are adjusting to our newest addition just nicely (or as best as can be expected), daddy is picking up a lot of 'new' daddy duties for the time being while mommy and babe get to know each other!!
Yes, Baby Boy # 3 has arrived!! Declan Allen Aitcheson arrived on Fri. Dec. 12th at 3:55pm, 8lbs 10ozs, after I Christmas shopped ALL morning through contractions I didn't even realize were contractions at all! I was induced for my first two so going naturally was a whole new ball game for me. Finally at around noon hour I felt a really strong "cramp" come on which made me push back into my seat in the van and I thought...ok this is not just mild cramps or anything now. I made one more stop, last stop on my list of final Christmas preparations....paused a few times in the store to let the contractions pass and drove home rather calmly considering what I was just then starting to realize was labour.
My contractions were every 5 minutes at this point. I called the hospital...explained how my morning went and that I may be in labour and they calmly told me to pack up the rest of my things and come on up....this baby would be coming today!
Well, on our arrival in triage at 2:30pm I was already 4 cm dilated. The contractions were every 3 minutes by now and it wasn't more than 15 minutes and they had me admitted and in a delivery room...this baby was coming fast (I didn't realize at the time just how fast things were progressing).
Oh I must add in here that before we were actually able to leave our house I had to interrupt my husband in a meeting he was having with our insurance agent and when he heard what was going on, he flew out of there pretty fast! He came back this week and said everyone at the office laughed at him when he told the story. THEN...we are heading down our ice covered skating rink of a lane way (yes we are in full blown winter here by now) and another vehicle is coming down it as well. Instead of waiting at the house to let the other truck in my husband thinks he can pass it on the skating rink (lane way)....HA! We end up in the ditch. I am laughing at this point because I can't believe it actually happened on this day of ALL days (and it's better than crying) and my husband is just livid at himself! Long story short we swap vehicles and we're off again to the hospital...the van got pulled out somehow.
My 4 cm went to 8 cm in less than an hour and I knew I was SO not getting that epidural I pleaded for. The nurses didn't discourage me by saying no but they knew and I knew this baby was coming at any time! It was 3:30pm (one hour at the hospital) and my nurse says, this baby will be here before 4:00pm and I just laughed at her (the gas may have added to that) but I knew she was right.
My water broke at about 3:40pm and then the rest is history, I only pushed for 10 minutes and low and behold Declan arrived safely at 3:55pm!! I was SO relieved to not have received the epidural after all of that! What a speedy delivery I must say...I wouldn't have had it any other way! The nurses were like what were you doing all day that you didn't call us sooner...and I just said shopping.
So yes I have been absent for quite awhile from keeping up with my Blog. I have meant to get on here time and time again but I seem to get interrupted for some reason...hmmm....three little boys can keep one mommy quite busy!!
Life is little more hectic here now I must say but it is SO worth it!! I am so in love with our newest little man and Nathan and Reid just can't get enough of their new little brother...the kisses keep coming and coming (Nathan actually cries when Declan cries because he hates to hear him upset...it's pretty sweet).
I will post my post-baby stats ASAP....wow it is amazing what our bodies actually go through for nine months and then how quickly things can return to 'somewhat' normal.
I look forward to returning to my workouts and firming up this little bowl of jelly I have right now... HO, HO, HO!
Follow my progress here or join me on Club FYM! I plan to regain my pre-baby body back and more!