By Holly Rigsby, CPT www.FitYummyMummy.com
Moms have mistakenly believed that resistance training shouldn’t be the foundation of their fat loss program. Here are the three most common myths about resistance training and the “truth” about each.
1. Moms believe the answer to Fat Loss lies in CARDIO. Can't blame you, Mom! The fact that we are being bombarded with misleading ads and articles on a daily basis boasting that the best way to burn fat is to simply DO more cardio.
From a Popular Beauty Magazine:“The formula for great abs is crunches + cardio = results. Cardio burns fat, uncovering the incredible abs you’ll have thanks to those crunches. So hop on that exercise bike, elliptical or treadmill for 30 to 45 minutes at least three times a week…”The “cardio burns fat” myth is so rampant, that the very support groups and forums women turn to for answers are littered with faulty advice.From a Forum:“We do 15 mins on the bike, 15 on the elliptical, 15 on the treadmill, 1000 metres on the rowing machine (we're building that up slowly because we hate it).”
Who has time for this? We are Moms, we are busy, we do not have the time, energy or patience to attempt a fat loss program that is solely based on cardio. And if you “hate” something – how much longer are you going to keep up with it – especially if you are no longer seeing results?!
Cardio is only ONE piece of the Fat Loss puzzle. When it comes to Fat Loss cardio’s role is much less important than resistance training. More is simply not better. Cardio does very little to boost your metabolism and extended sessions not only eat up your precious time with little to show for it, but also eat up your lean muscle, slowing your metabolism to a crawl.
2. Moms are scared of "Bulking Up". Just the mention of the word muscle makes a lot of women cringe. Images of huge bodybuilder-type bodies make them run in the opposite direction. Yet amidst this protest, Moms want to look lean and toned. Well without muscle, it is impossible to attain this desirable physique.
Women simply do not have the ability to bulk up. Men, however, are able to add lots of muscle because:
One - they have the hormones to do so (we do not, well not naturally)
Two - they lift weights in an entirely different fashion
Three - they must eat a tremendous amount of food - muscle need a LOT of calories to grow and get bigger.
So Moms, unless you are taking Testosterone boosting supplements, lifting VERY heavy weights and eating an upwards of 5,000 calories a day - you will NOT bulk up.
3. Moms think Resistance Training is just TOO Complicated! “It's so much easier.” “It is less intimidating.” “It’s less complicated.” These are the very attitudes that lead busy moms to jump on a treadmill and walk or run for 45-60 minutes. The thought of picking up some weights seems complicated and undesirable especially when there are more “mindless” options from which to choose.
Sure, if you are new to the concept of Resistance Training, an introduction to this type of workout can make you throw your hands up in frustration.....what exercise, what weight, set, super sets, repetitions, rests....Oh My!
The best way to begin a resistance training program is to use your own body as weight. No gym membership, no fancy equipment....just a small space and a few minutes of your time.
Movements such as squats, lunges and assisted push ups are great examples of effective bodyweight exercises that any Busy Mom can do. Establishing a place to begin builds confidence, boosts energy levels and in turn increases metabolism. Moms naturally want to do more!
From there it is quite simple to keep your workouts challenging by using equipment many moms already have at home; a stability ball, dumbbells and a medicine ball.
When you have an effective resistance training workout plan, that not only fits your fitness goals, but your lifestyle, your plan becomes a priority and you achieve a lean, fit body before you know it!
Now you understand not only the importance resistance training plays in your fat loss efforts, but also how easily it can be integrated into your routine. It is time to adjust your mindset and your priorities. When you put your time, energy and effort into a resistance training regimen you guarantee yourself a faster metabolism and a toned, tight, energetic body.
Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America’s #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of www.FitYummyMummy.com. Holly has worked with over 300 Mom's to help them lose the stubborn baby fat, get their pre-baby body back and reclaim their yummy-ness. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters.
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